Advance readers!!! Those are so much fun!
From the bookseller's perspective--we always loved rifling through them for interesting books to read. If they came with toys, even better! I still have the pair of pink fuzzy dice that came with the Stephen King book that was about the killer car (not Christine, but the one that came out about 7-8 years ago).
Stephen King wrote more than one killer-car book?
Wasn't the other one "Something Something a Buick Eight"?
From a Buick 8 was an e-book he wrote a while back. It's actually quite good, something I never thought I'd say about a King horror novel again.
It was an e-book? I swear I saw it in a book store. I remember the Buick on the cover....
Of course, I loved
when it came out - I read the thing nonstop, cover to cover. Although I did note that Plymouth did
make a four-door Fury in 1958....
I adored
From a Buick 8,
which is not what I expected. One of the best he's done this decade.
More awesome wallpaper: [link]
From a blog:
Send the Warp Your Room people an exact plan for your walls, showing where your doors, windows, pictures, and electrical outlets are, and they'll generate a custom wallpaper for you that "warps" the pattern around everything that protrudes through the paper.
It was an e-book? I swear I saw it in a book store. I remember the Buick on the cover....
It was (I think) an ebook first, then published in hardback.
Yep, From a Buick 8 was the book! IIRC, it was his first book after The Green Mile, so our King fans were happy he had another full-blown book book out.
Pretty much everything he writes eventually gets printed, doesn't it?
Coming soon: Grocery List by Stephen King!