I lost the spelling bee in fourth grade on "kindergarten." (Well, got second place.) In seventh grade, I got to the regional round and then lost on "pigeon."
Huh. The dictionary gives "alright" as "non-standard usage." I've seen it used that way plenty of times.
In sixth grade, I lost on "granary." Seventh grade was really weird -- I originally finished third on "hundredths" because the word was spelled wrong on the answer key. After a big fuss (led by one of the English teachers), the top 3 got a do-over. That time I won.
Now I want "phonetic" to be one of the spelling words.
On the lj thing, was there ever a post announcing the mass suspensions?
Did he spell it S-N-O-O-P-Y?
I think it was B-e-a-g-e-l.
Lucy called him a blockhead.
I lost the 6th grade spelling bee on "Surprise". I spelled it with a "z".
In 5th grade I lost on "restaurant." I've never spelled that word wrong since.
I always spell it wrong. I mostly avoid using it while writing.
The other person from my school got out of the seventh-grade bee on "restaurateur."
4th grade, "Massachusetts" (I swapped the double-S near the beginning and the single-S in the middle. And I was freakin' BORN THERE!)
It's too bad you can't generalize from that incredibly clear memory of the one word you spelled wrong that one time to correct all those
words you keep spelling wrong even now. (And by "you", I mean "me".)