I have bookstore grand-opened. It's an adorable little place. Currently, the YA and scifi sections are probably the largest and she's getting hooked into the summer reading programs run by the schools and library, so that's cool. I pimped Allyson's book and she sounded interested.
And now I need to clean. I really don't want to. I don't want to grocery shop either. But, if I want to have time to do laundry and go to Honfest tomorrow, I need to do both today.
I think I'm gonna veg a bit first. I spent 2 whole hours being sociable. Must recharge to avoid hating the people.
msbelle, maybe more goofy Noah pictures might help? Scroll through the next couple in the set to get the full fun of that look.
OK, that's hysterical.
I remember a picture of Stephanie's Ellie making a similar face and it cracked me up then too.
I think I'm a sucker for that expression.
The expression of absolute WTF-ness?
Not just that, the little O mouth.
He'd finally woken up after sleeping most of the day, and was looking at the rest of the room. The pursed lips kill me.
Are you sure she's not just squeezing a little hard? He looks like one of these: [link]
He does bug-eyes all on his own.