Wouldn't it be great to have somebody drive you around at any time, where ever you wanted to go?
I don't really like being driven (signed, Control Freak) also I am more likely to get car sick when I'm not the driver.
Having a driver on call when I want one would be pretty sweet though.
with Ann Coulter commenting on how wrong it was that P. Hil had to go to jail.
Does she have some "conservative" reason why PH should not be punished?
Having a driver on call when I want one would be pretty sweet though.
Like, for when you're drunk and/or have a suspended license?
I dunno. They (the sheriff) allowed her to go home - can't really blame her for accepting it.
Whinging and complaining, crying into the night and refusing to eat are completely within her rights. And while I'm certain political pressure was brought down on Baca by her parents and people, he should have been man enough to withstand it. Or at least wait a bloody week and gone through proper channels. Still, I don't actually believe she's earned further punishment, just the original sentence.
In other news, hey, where's ita? I was just thinking about her because my under-dress strap situation is ridiculous.
Wouldn't it be great to have somebody drive you around at any time, where ever you wanted to go?
Especially in some place like Los Angeles, where you could let somebody else worry about the traffic jam?
They had it as a split-screen, with one half being a helicopter view of traffic (I assume following the P. Hil convoy), and the other half being Neil Cavuto's show -- with Ann Coulter commenting on how wrong it was that P. Hil had to go to jail.
I don't actually get one thing about that woman. I guess that's a blessing.
In addition, my brother lost his license for life. So I think having a driver would be pretty sweet. Of course, he broke the law multiple times and those are his consequences but the family has had to schlep him around for years now and it sucks.
More on the "they sent her home because she was ill" thing:
Assistant City Atty. Dan Jefferies said the reason given for Hilton's release made the case unusual and raised questions about special treatment. He said that releasing inmates because of overcrowding was common but that in his 25 years as a prosecutor, he could remember only two or three instances in which people were let go early for medical reasons. In each case, he said, the individual was extremely ill.
Wouldn't it be great to have somebody drive you around at any time, where ever you wanted to go?
Not if I could afford a car like she can. They'd have to keep chucking me in jail for speeding tickets.