When I see tommy's cephalopod link, my brain starts whistling "Always Look On the Bright Side of Life." Anyone else have this problem, or just me?
also, why does firefox not recognize cephalopod as a word?
also also, StolenCubicle says "Tell the Buffistas [I've] gone native," and that lj is speaking to her in Russian. Perhaps she thinks you'll get something out of this? I certainly don't.
Tonight was 8th grade graduation. I am all verklempt. My babies! They're all... well, not grown up so much as... high school students!
Eddie Izzard was just on TDS and made me laugh and laugh. I'm not sure he made me want to watch the Riches, but I did laugh.
Ouch. That sucks a lot.
Izzard's American accent is very very good. His act seems so essentially English to me that I'm surprised, but then he may be using the awesome power of ACTING.
Eddie Izzard was just on TDS and made me laugh and laugh. I'm not sure he made me want to watch the Riches, but I did laugh.
I wish I had seen this. Everyone should be watching The Riches.
"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore," Washington said
Just what
exactly is he planning to do? Ass. And after the finale I'm not sorry to see the character go anyway.
sj, if I did it right, this link should take you to the Izzard interview....
Thanks, Theo, but the sound hasn't worked on my computer since the last move.
Grey's: I thought I heard
after the finale that he was going to be recurring next year, but I guess not?