Got a memo in my mailbox this morning that says that the district had a problem with the annualization process for the most recent payday. Most salaried employees were affected and were either overpaid or underpaid.
If you were overpaid by more than $250, they will contact you to figure out what to do. Otherwise, they will just take it out of the next paycheck.
Ah. Incompetence. Nothing like when your employee fucks with you financially.
I got an awesome haircut last night from a cute new haircutter. So cute, I wanted to set her up with meara.
I have the opposite problem, Cindy. I want my hair to be longer. Granted it's longer than it has been in years. But I'd like another 8 inches or so.
But I'd like another 8 inches or so.
Wouldn't we all?
(sorry, sorry, blame the pants)
I got an awesome haircut last night from a cute new haircutter. So cute, I wanted to set her up with meara.
Cool! I do that all the time when I meet cute single dykes. "Hmmm, she's cute but is she meara-worthy...."
I'm getting a haircut after work today. I've been feeling rather shaggy-dog lately, so I am quite excited.
I know a lot of cute single dykes here in Chicago, but most of them are jailbait.
Yay haircuts! I'm excited that I feel like I finally know how to talk about what I want.
In crazy-boss news, she gave us all a bizarre lecture/advice talk in our staff meeting yesterday, but it was so self-contradictory, I don't know how or if I'm supposed to change what I'm doing in response. Does she want to see everything I do? Should I stop bothering her with everything? Should I respond to the 20 emails in a row she always sends me, or stop sending her so many emails? Oy.
Jesse, does your boss have a last name of Gage? (this will only be amusing to myself and ND, sorry)
I got an awesome haircut last night from a cute new haircutter. So cute, I wanted to set her up with meara.
Dude! New York is not that far away...(and hell, I could use a haircut...)
Jailbait, well, maybe if I'm in Chicago for the weekend. That could be fun. (OK, not ACTUAL jailbait. But some of those 21 year olds, I could deign to make out with. For their own good. That they might learn. I'm just sayin')