How soon is moved up by three weeks? A win is good.
You have no idea how much of a relief that is. Now all I have to do is not go to the ER today, and I'm in clover.
Print out the articles I linked to RIGHT NOW, and put them in the bag you'll be using tomorrow.
Or duct-tape them to your boobs.
I like Ninja Warrior. I thought that the women's challenge was stupid. It was ALL about balance. You could be an amazing athlete, but if you couldn't run a zig zag balance beam with wind in your face, you were screwed.
Tomorrow is awesome ita!
Huh. I just got out from under a flurry of activity and work stuff to find I am inexplicably finished with everything I have to do today. I think I should leave work early and sit on the rooftop deck with a bellini.
Bless you, Steph. There was so no way I'd have remembered that on my own. Printing now.
I thought that the women's challenge was stupid.
I haven't seen one of those yet. The ads made it look silly though.
Yay for doctor's appointments tomorrow!! I really do hope they find a cure for all of your headache-y issues, ita.
Daisy Jane's mention of her hopes for the post-work day reminds me that brenda m told us last night about a bellini-flavored cupcake at the local cupcake store--peach cake with champagne buttercream and silver sprinkles. It sounded scrumptious!
You could be an amazing athlete, but if you couldn't run a zig zag balance beam with wind in your face, you were screwed.
Can one be an amazing athlete without balance, though? Or, rather, what do you prioritise above it (note, I know nothing about this show)?
Bless you, Steph. There was so no way I'd have remembered that on my own. Printing now.
Excellent. I don't know how viable it is/might be as a treatment for you, but I sure the hell hope that your neurologist will recognize, based on your history, that since all the usual treatments aren't working, alternatives are definitely worth investigating.
I sure the hell hope that your neurologist will recognize, based on your history, that since all the usual treatments aren't working, alternatives are definitely worth investigating.
I desperately hope so. I haven't seen her in about a year (took a diversion with a migraine specialist whose main treatment seemed to be hugs and petting my forehead--oh, and laughing off the frequency of my ER visits). But she has reccomendations from the last migraine guy I saw last week, plus she'll get to witness the sort of naked desperation a year can breed in a person.
There's some treatment the guy was going to recommend that would involve a hospital stay. I blanched and he backed off, but I'm totally okay with it now. Check me in ASAP.
ita, I'd think at this point that if the treatment involved being staked to an ant bed, you might consider it. I hope they find something soon.