I get 18 days combined sick/personal/vacation. At my last place I had two weeks vacation and unknown sick time - nobody ever called me on it, anyway.
For a person in reasonable health with no dependents, having it all lumped together like that is a pretty good deal. I'm actually probably less likely to take "I just don't feel like it" sick days because I don't want to spent vacation on it - but if I decide to, I don't have to fake sick. If you have kids, I suspect it's a different calculation.
At my old job, I had been there 11 years and had 20 vacation days/5 sick days/2 personal days. The sick and personal days were company wide and not dependent on how long you had been there.
I would have been getting 20 days vacation when I hit year 11 at my former job.
I suspect there would be more than the officially written leeway if I used sufficient sick days (or family medical crisis days) to burn through all my vacation. But I'm not eager to ever find out. As it is, I usually miss about seven days a year or so to a flu and the odd migraine I can't head off, and that counterbalances my difficulty scheduling official chunks of vacation time frequently enough to use it all up.
Yeah, I would have jumped to three weeks off + sick time at the old job instead of two if I'd held out another two weeks. And a few months later I'd have jumped again to 18 months or so off when I had to choke a bitch.
When I was salaried, I think we got two weeks of vacation plus 5 floating days (for holidays, technically), and sick time came out of our short-term disability time, which was 30 days.
I love the accumulated sick time, as I now have somewhere in the vicinity of 8 weeks saved up. I can take that in the event of an illness before short-term disability would kick in (which is a % of my pay, not equal to it).
After year 1, I have 2 weeks vacation. We get 5 sick days a year and discresionary days of up to 5.
I still have 10 days left.
I used to have a ridiculous amount of accumulated sick days, but I'm using most of them for my maternity leave. (We get 8 weeks of paid parental leave, plus an additional 4 through the FMLA, which have to be taken out of our accumulated paid leave time before we can take unpaid time off. I'm only taking 11 weeks total because otherwise I'd have no sick days when I got back to use for doctor's appointments and such.)