A Tribute to Two-Toned Lobsters and Friends
Two-tone lobsters are rare, only about 1 in 50 million share this mutation. They would be wise to increase the frequency of this variation however as it inevitably saves the little guy from the pot. Lobster shells have three primary pigment colors, red, yellow and blue. Occasionally lobsters lack one or more of these colors and because the two sides of a lobster shell develop independently, startling two-tone specimens are possible. Their less fortunate plain-Jane family members turn red in the pot because the heat frees the red pigment molecules, uncoiling them from the dark protein chains that typically keep them under wraps.
Freaky. It looked like someone just masked off half a lobster and painted it - the dividing line between the two sides/colors is that distinct.
Mmmm.... lobster....
Scooter Libby's been sentenced to 30 months in prison.
Huh. I think that's on the high-side of various guesses on how much time he'd get....
Also a good read: a 1622 treatise on breastfeeding from The Countess of Lincoln's Nurserie.
I love early modern books. I am a freak.
I still think that a grown man being called Scooter is an abomination unto man.
Scooter Libby's been sentenced to 30 months in prison.
One of my co-workers ran in here a few minutes ago to gleefully announce that. There may have been a few collective war whoops.
sara, lardoon is the piece of pork back or bacon used in larding something.
Yeah, I got that reading further.
Aren't those lardons? Or is it the same thing?
Or wait, so you lard the lardoon to make lardons?
I think lardoon and lardon are the same thing.
What kills me is that in early modern books every noun is capitalized. It's batty making.
Hmmm. A new take-out place that sells empanadas just opened right next door to the place that sells patties. This white boy is very confused.