an angry obscene version of "get lost"
In the annals of Avoiding The Swear Word Unnecessarily Obfuscates The Elocution, this is up there with that time somebody was paraphrased to the effect that the Yankees "inhale excessively" (i.e., they suck).
Get fucking lost!
Get fucked!
Fuck lost!
...see? "Go fuck yourself" is nothing like "get lost" in phrasing or syntactic complexity. It would be hard for me to guess "go fuck yourself" from "get lost." Hmm, now I am wondering what the right non-obfuscatory non-curse phrase would be.
an angry obscene version of "go commit the sin of Onan!"
No, that's not quite right. I presume that "screw" and similar not-quite-curse words are similarly disallowed.
Now I'm wondering if the original title of Chet Baker's "Let's Get Lost" was "Let's Go Fuck Ourselves."
It would be hard for me to guess "go fuck yourself" from "get lost."
If it helps, what Cheney said was "Fuck off."
If it helps, what Cheney said was "Fuck off."
Oh, right.
Upon googling, "Go fuck yourself" was what a protester yelled at Cheney. Maybe my brain was confusing/conflating the two.
I love old cookbooks. I have too many cookbooks, just as I have too many of almost any type of book. I have a small paperback cookbook from the 1890s that was my great grandmother's. It was a promotional item for a store in Waukesha, Wisc., and I keep thinking I should scan it or transcribe it.
IIRC, he didn't do either. He just brought them out to the dumpsters to emphasize how much food had been thrown away the night before because of their incompetence.
That's good to know. I guess I jumped too quickly. Maybe I'll check it out again.
I've also got one from the late '40s called "The American Hostess Cookbook" where various "society" ladies contributed recipes. Typical blurb about a contributor:
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Young Gorham, Keuka Park, N. Y., wife of Donald R. Gorham, Professor of Psychology, Keuka College, attended Western State Teacher's College. She is a member of the D.A.R, and is interested in Church work and Music. Her hobbies are collecting Old Glass and Travel. Mrs. Gorham has two daughters, Ann aged 8 and Susan 6. She is a Baptist and a Republican.
There are a few more famous names scattered in here, including Miss Lillian Hellman, who contributed a recipe for New Orleans Chicken Gumbo.
Yikes. There's a recipe in here for "Winter Gumbo" that starts with "1 can chicken gumbo soup." (Contributed by Mrs. Bess Hirsh Kahn of Little Rock, Arkansas.)
Kat, yeah it sucks, but we got in today anyway and I started all the calls to the insurance for pre-certification stuff.
That is going to be very rough going between 2 hospitals. Any chance Noah could move if he is doing well?