Me too! Not of students, though. I still have all my exams to give tomorrow and a whole helluva a lot of end of year grading/comment-writing for the next week. Then, next week?
I have Professional Development, which is normally fine since I enjoy my profession, but this week I would rather eat my own eyeballs on toast.
This. So very much this.
AM jealous of both Erin and Kristin. I have 4 more weeks to go.
But did you get two months off this winter (not for babies, obviously, but earlier)? I was soooo jealous of you then. But yeah, I'm pretty happy about the end being in sight. This is the first summer that I am not making a major move since 2004. Seriously, really ready for a non-major-life-changing summer.
Black folk. One word, or two?
I've never heard it as one.
Results 1 - 10 of about 51,600 for blackfolk.
Results 1 - 10 of about 633,000 for "black folk".
So if you go by popularity, "black folk" is the winner.
perhaps context would be helpful?
Meh, I deleted. The whole paragraph is dumb.
I tried to watch Hell's Kitchen last season, but when it looked like he was going to make them either eat or cook out of a dumpster, I had to change the channel. It was too watch from the hall for me
IIRC, he didn't do either. He just brought them out to the dumpsters to emphasize how much food had been thrown away the night before because of their incompetence.
My second favorite part of HK is the Narrator. He is made of awesome.