In less scary and more happy news, I had my first appointment with my new midwife this morning and heard the baby's heartbeat!
The midwives that I met were totally awesome! The hospital was scary and seemed very third-world like. At a minimum, though, I've found supportive pre-natal care, somthing that had been very difficult until now.
Oh, hooray for that good news post, Stephanie! Heartbeats and midwives, yay!
Can someone Nilly for me?
No official announcement, but I'm buying this: [link] today.
flappy hands
I had my first appointment with my new midwife this morning and heard the baby's heartbeat!
SWEET! And I'm so glad your people are okay, Stephanie. I had forgotten that you had people left in MN (I thought that they had all moved away?).
YAY Heartbeats and motorcycles!!!
Yay for heartbeats!
Boo for the nightmarish CBB.
(not really here; just checking in)
ION, the Blue Angels are practicing for their weekend show here. I'd forgotten about it, and they're louder here than they were at any of my previous workplaces anyway. I'm still trying to crawl back into my skin, having jumped out of it the first time they roared past.