re: the bridge
I listen to Minnesota Public Radio a lot because it's my home. I turned it on at 5:30 this morning and heard them talking about a bridge that collapsed. Thankfully, before I realized which bridge, I got an email from my mom that all our family in MN are safe.
Still, like I posted in my LJ, I used to drive over that bridge all the time when I lived there and just thinking about it gives me "Ellie trapped in her carseat underwater" anxiety thoughts.
FTR, I hate the (Bay Area) Bay Bridge. Now that I have wheels (OMG, I have wheels!), I'm figuring out what routes to take to avoid the thing. NO BRIDGES!
Sniff. Was hoping wheels would bring you over to this side of the bay a bit more - can't see you going all the way down to San Jose and back up this side just to visit. And that would only get you close to my place without going over a bridge.
I cross a bridge or go through a tunnel every day. Living on an island, that is just how it is.
Glad you have heard from your peeps, juliana.
FWIW, my mother, who's been a phys. ed. instructor and a Weight Watchers leader and is just generally All Up In That, despises those fasts as absolutely unhealthy in the long term. So, I don't know.
Yeah I don't really understand the point of them from a nutritional perspective (I get how psychologically they might be helpful).
Stephanie & juliana, I'm glad your people are okay!
Ellie trapped in her carseat underwater" anxiety thoughts.
okay that just made my heart skip a beat and I don't even have a child. yikes.
I'm going over the Bay Bridge after work today. Dammit!
So, Bitches, I have yet another financial question. Should I buy a condo? My aunt and uncle think it's a good idea for me to buy a condo, live in it at least five years, and then sell it, as I would come out ahead, as opposed to throwing my money away in rent. The Bay Area housing market is guaranteed to pay off, they say.
"Ellie trapped in her carseat underwater" anxiety thoughts.
One of my worst nightmares. Honest to goodness. I dread the day we have to drive over the Mackinaw Bridge with her.
t shudder
That's what my brother did. He bought a two-bedroom condo just out of college, split the cost with a roommate for a few years, then sold it and bought a house, using the equity he had built up. It worked very well for him.
I dread the day we have to drive over the Mackinaw Bridge with her.
We're not going to. I'ma build a submarine-car, we'll get the whole falling-under-the-water thing out of the way first thing and then travel.
The (Bay Area) Bay Bridge never bothered me (even driving on it fairly soon after the Loma Prieta earthquake) in the visceral way driving over the (Chesapeake) Bay Bridge does. It seems more protected. Less like you could just, you know, drive over the edge. Even though, I'm pretty sure, nobody has actually gone over the edge of the MD Bay Bridge. Even in bad accidents. It's irrational!
OMG, I have wheels!
?? I missed this? Can someone Nilly for me?