So I took him to Yum to console him and it's closed and gone. He was bereft, "I loved going soda shopping! They had 300 different flavors!"
Oh, shit! I knew that, and I thought I had warned you about it but now it looks like I am an ass who never did.
Poor lamb. Will the two of you be picking Matilda up? Maybe some extra cuddle time with her will help.
Ah hell.
One of my best employees just gave notice. It's going to be difficult to replace her. She rocks. No way our company can counter the other company's salary offer. Damn. Not what I needed.
Awww, he's okay. The closures and stuff have been happening all summer. He's go a band aid and he had a milkshake as consolation. Which he enjoyed plenty before we rushed home.
He's now happily curled up with his Nintendo and we've got 5 baseball games in the next four days.
Speaking of which...
we're going to be in Alameda all weekend. Friday night, Sat game 1pm, Sun games at 1pm and 4:30.
Poor Emmett. Poor Javachik.
Will the two of you be picking Matilda up?
Yeah, we're getting the pootie. He's already eager about that.
I hope she's in a good mood.
No way our company can counter the other company's salary offer.
Can you counter it in other ways? More vacation time, flex time, or something of that sort?
In mememe news, next week we're going down to Alabama to spend a week with my mom, who's undergoing chemo for lung cancer. We'll be gone Tues.-Mon.
I like my new job. It's either the best or second-best I've ever had. But this week it's been crazy. My to-do list has been expanding far faster than I can cross anything off of it. I just got an urgent "sort out this impossible bureaucratic tangle by Friday or world go kablooey" task dumped on my desk. And that's leaving aside everything ELSE in my life, like sudden urgent parent-teacher conferences at daycare (AFAICT Annabel is just being a normal limit-testing 3-year-old, but they called us down Monday afternoon as if they'd never heard of such a thing as acting out during naptime), trying to get our house clean enough to not shock my friend who's watering the tomatoes and picking up the mail, suddenly remembering that I'd forgotten to judge a writer's contest and have three entries to get through by Sunday, etc.
Anyway, I thought I'd make work a little less stressful by dividing the to-do list into "before Alabama," "after Alabama," and "either."
80% of the list is "before Alabama."
AUGGGHHHH. Send cabana boys. Cabana boys who understand government/university/hospital bureaucratic protocol.
Oh, poor Emmett.
Also, Yum is gone?!? That sucks!
Work~ma for javachik and Susan.
We have been approved for our loan. Home ownership is very close to actually happening.
Poor Emmett is right!
Can you counter it in other ways? More vacation time, flex time, or something of that sort?
Unfortunately, it sounds as though they're giving her an opportunity of a lifetime. Sometimes it does take jumping companies to do this. I've been fighting for a promotion and a raise for her here (and just about to get final approval), but what they're offering is too much. I'm very pleased for her. And she's giving me a month's notice. But I am getting on a plane for the UK Friday the 10th, and it's a lot of pressure on my remaining staff. This is where the true test of whether I am a good manager is anyway, right? I inherited a great team; it's what I do from this step forward that reveals just how good (or bad!) I am.
But I'm gonna miss her!
ok, just for clarification... is "Cabana Boy" kinda the women's equivalent of "call girl" for us guys? They say it's not always about sex, but someone to dote and listen, ya? (at least that's what those DC politicians have been saying of late).