I'm very intrigued by the eggrolls.
Not greasy! Loaded with good chicken meat and a perfect amount of bok choy and other stuff. I made four because I didn't think they'd be that filling, but they are. Sooooo good.
We're trying to get Emmett in for a doctor appt. today and an ultrasound. I'm worried that this is more than what we thought.
Oh, man. Poor Emmett. Gah. I hope you can get him in.
Is LJ down for y'all?
I'm feeling melancholy and broody, and want to read my people, and want people to write to me. But it is not working. Which, I'm telling myself, is why no one cares. And not actually that they don't care. Or, y'know, all that jazz. Sigh.
Brood. Brood. Brood.
I should really do some actual WORK at some point in here...doing my expense report only barely counts.
Hello, All. This'll probably be my only appearance today as I scramble to finish stuff for month end. But I wanted to at least say hello (announce my presence with authority
t / "Nuke" LaLouche
{{ Kristin }} Hope the tum has settled.
Not-as-serious-as-it-seems-ma to Emmett. Poor kid.
I made one recently with a guy I just found out is 22.
Fun one to make. There's a guy in my Ren Guild who's the sweetest thing and a fabulous flirt - and just turned 21. (My joke has been that I could be his mother if I was one of my Oklahoma cousins [not a comment on OK, but rather on my cousins]). Didn't stop me from asking him to marry me - 'course, he was rubbing my neck and shoulders at the time...
Plus, those tricks he showed me with his tongue...dayum!
Any word from ChiKat yet?
Anyone requiring ~ma for the remainder of today, should consider themselves supported by me (probably won't have time for email though. Sorry).
LJ doesn't work for me either. Maybe they banned us! Like my life is that interesting.
Is LJ down for y'all?
Yeah, it's down at the moment. Probably crashed while unsuspending accounts. Sigh.
Is LJ down for y'all?
Yep. I think the hordes of angry fangirls have broken it. Or LJ is pitching a "Stop being MEEEEEN to ME" fit.
Damn you, LJ! Darn you, angry fangirl hordes! (I normally love you, angry fangirl hordes. Or at least, the cream of the crop of you. But not today! Today I have angst, of the non-fandom type, not like the "my show has been cancelled" type (which I have experienced before), so grrrr!)
[This has been an unscheduled stop in meara's psyche. Please ignore, as she is unused to feelings, drama involving herself, and any comparisons that are not Miranda from SitC or Christina Yang.]
corsets up, gives meara a squishie, and pours her a Fernet