Okay, I just went out and got totally drunk with Acrossthehall!Teacher, and I think I introduced her to slash. Er.
What does it say about me that my first thought to this was, "It took you this long???" Hell, my parents know about slash (Ok...really only because I wrote about it in a paper, but still!)
My sister's MIL passed last evening. My sister drove home last night, but she got in too late for me to know what the plan is. It has really thrown Mona. They were very close and it was very sudden.
Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. Hugs and thoughts and prayers all around.
I'm touring a pre-school today!
Also, Toto is home! Oh, how I missed him, and judging by the jumping and kisses, I think he missed me too. He's all curled up by my feet right now. Such a sweetie.
Good luck, Aimee!
My 18 year old BiL totaled his car last night. He's apparently ok but I'm waiting on more information from my MiL.
~ma to Laura and askye and their families.
NORA! How are things, hon? I've been thinking about you guys a lot.
OI! Families of my Bitches! No more accidents, infections, leaving this plane for another, etc. I mean it!!
Good luck, Aimee!
Thanks! I have to go by myself. Joe and Em didn't get up in time for all of us to come in together.
And damn, it's spendy!
aw, thanks, bug. We're doing OK.
And damn, it's spendy!
This is not surprising at all. I thought I was getting lucky with a $165/month for Owen's three mornings a week. There were a few that I looked into that were $300/month, but they were also four and five half days.
I'm glad to hear that Toto isn't mad at you.
Eeep, totalling the car at 18 and not getting hurt could improve his driving, or make it worse. I'm glad he's ok.
Pre-school is fun! I hope you find a not so pricey option. I paid for Brendon, but Bobby got to go to public school pre-school because of his speech issues.
Yeah, Em and I were the big ol' lazy layabouts.
(Sorry again, Aims.)
On the other hand, Em woke up in a *great* mood, so I'm reaping all sorts of layabout benefits.