So if you gotta pee, just go and chat while on the can
Um, NO. Especially on a job interview, but in general, NO.
Sadly, the interview kinda sucked. I don't think I was terribly eloquent (or positive and bullshitty) in the "soft" questions ("what words would people use to describe your leadership skills?") or the "tell me about a time when...". Bleah. And he kept talking about one thing that I don't have experience with, which...yeah. I don't. Can't fake like I do. Ah well.
It is 4:30 here and I'm done with work for the day and back in my hotel room. I'm at a loss for what to go do.
Corrupt young minds?
This has so affected our (your mother's and mine) relationship that I have come to the pont where one of us (
Whoah. Hard core. Poor sis. Screwed on both ends--upsetting the fam AND having a shitty hubs.
You're starting to sound like me with my closing date that I still don't have
STILL??? Oh, i was so hoping for your sake...
The problem with waiting is.. well.. as the guy, shouldn't I take the initiative. I know that sounds horribly old fashioned, but garrum it,
Yes. Because if she's going to, great, but if not, no one is going to be shocked if you do.
perhaps if you tried three no trump?
Ooohhh...strong hand.
With a strong hand, do you really need a date?
HAH! Love this.
Ooof, Anne--strep AND staph?? Eesh. Too bad the drug I was working on (against staph) didn't actually end up...working. I've seen how icky those infections can be, best of luck to him. Didn't Teppy's boss get through a horrible flesh eating bacteria illness OK, even though he was old? It can happen!