So I ended up walking up with the book and 2 cds.
That's a pretty awesome sale on his part -- but if it works for you, all the better!
I've read through some of the book and a lot of it is "omigod! That's me!"
It's so very, very true. Even on re-read, I still have the "that's me" response, balanced between "I'm not just an idiot!1!" and "but why did I have to lose so much
before figuring this out?" (Yeah, I still need to work on the beating myself up thing.)
Whatever you end up doing as far as treatment goes, I hope the whole path to finding answers is a good one for you. I'm so happy to see it.
~ma to your great-aunt, askye. And I hope the book (and the cds!) are helpful.
Vortex, I had no idea you were still waiting to close. How in the world are you still sane? I'd have bitten a chunk out of the nearest ne'er do well long before now.
Heh. I had to share the Kenny Rogers riff wit' da guys. They're shaking their heads. But they're grinning.
Thanks for the good wishes. I'm really ready to get this thing done.
{{askye and family}}
Beverly, I hope all your medical procedure woes turn out well and conclude easily. Closure is good.
Anne, how's your stepdad doing today? Hopefully better.
I got my picture taken today for my passport application, but it looks like a mugshot and me no likey. I have to try again tomorrow. Really want to get it in the mail tomorrow.
Great pictures, great filks, and fun wit. Thanks you guys for being you.
{{{askye and askye's great-aunt}}}
Bev, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Anne, how's your stepdad doing today? Hopefully better.
Unfortunately, not really. Turns out it's the drug-resistant kind of staph. Plus, they've also found streptococcus bacteria in there as well. He's currently in isolation. Continued ~ma is very much appreciated.
Thanks, ND. 'tis much appreciated.
Oh dear, Anne. How's your mom holding up?
Oh, my. Anne, all kinds of ~ma to your stepdad and mom.
Damndamndamn. Best of vibes to your whole family, Anne.