After golloping down all these posts, I simply must know...did Pete actually kick the ground when he first told Jilli he fancied her? Because that's so unbelievably adorable that my insides are turning to oatmeal with heavy cream and maple syrup right now just thinking about it.
Did he duck his head and shuffle his feet too? Did he? I may die right here and now.
JZ, he looked at his feet and kinda scuffled them while saying "Well, I guess you know that I fancy you". Yes, very adorable.
Did he duck his head and shuffle his feet too? Did he? I may die right here and now.
Cause that would be......
So the story goes, JZ.
At least, in my head, but I seem to remember Jilli telling it like that.
Sorry, JZ, but no. We were on a stairwell at the time. I think we were both seated.
JZ, he looked at his feet and kinda scuffled them while saying
I totally remember us being seated on the stairs. Stoopid memory.
Aimée, OTSCL.
Can you guess that one? You won't like it.
O! I am slain!
Gads, it's like being trapped in a room with a dozen elder sisters.