Nope, sorry. Having the Adorable crown is kind of like The List.
There are some who are only on the list for a short time. There are those of us who are on that list as though a Permanent Sticking Charm had been placed on our names.
Others can wear an Adorable Crown (Craig now has one, for instance), but yours is permanently stuck to your noggin. The instant you kicked the dirt and said, You know I fancy you" to Jilli, that crown fell down from Adorable Heaven and named you it's King.
Is Craig the only person around whose day job is playing in a band?
And now I wanna know what Mr. Jilli does for a living!
Wow! Awesome. And sorry to be so ignerrant.
Not ignerrant - just still new!
(Course, this might be too much info for Pete to want in a public forum. If it is babe, just let me know.)
And yay Pregnant! Stephanie!
Lord, that's one sentence that gives me chills upon first sight.
But congratulations, Stephanie!
Pete does beautiful work. Often he comes here because he's suffering from the dread deadline procrastination syndrome.
(Course, this might be too much info for Mr. Loomy-Cakes to want in a public forum. If it is babe, just let me know.)
Answering for him, nah, that's all public knowledge stuff. He's done a HUGE amount of art for Magic: the Gathering (we met while we were both working at WotC), and has also done art for Netrunner, Vampire: the Eternal Struggle, Doomtown, Deadlands, Clout, and ... crap, I know I'm forgetting something. Plus he's the one who does all the art for my Gothic Charm School site.