Aimée - I found an LJ community for us!! [link] Hee!!
Jeez, and I felt pervy for thinking Hermione was getting cute in the last movie. But you Ladies got a LJ. Sure, if we guys did that for Hermione, we'd be arrested. Sometimes the double standard really sucks.
Laga. Continued {{HUGS}} for your family situation.
if we guys did that for Hermione
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.
though I must admit the horny for hogwarts boyz page did make me feel a little icky. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if my 17-year-old nephew hadn't seen what I was looking at.
Aw jeez Laga, leave it to you to know about these things. Like redneck meets Potter-heads.
As for the nephew bit. Ya. It's all fine and good as long as its anonymous. Right? ;-)
Yes I prefer to look at titillating pictures when nobody else is home.
that is one of the nice things about living alone
I just tried to text "okey dokey" and it came out "OKEY foldy." I sent it anyway.
looks like you and me are pulling night shift Laga. Are you at work?
I'm almost done. Waiting for the last movie to finish and then I have been tasked with a Taco Bell run for the boyz at my house.
night Laga. I'm off to bed. That room is a bit cooler, and the Obama book is wanting me to read more.. possibly finish before I start to read the HP.