He was born when I graduated high school.
::goes to sit in pervy lady corner with Aimee::
I have called a local laptop repair shop to see if they will reattach my letter "Q" on the keyboard. I've left it too long. I managed to fix the "E", "A" and "U" myself but have been thwarted by the last letter.
I should also go to the gym today.
He was born when I graduated high school.
He was born during my last year of college.
::goes to sit in pervy lady corner with Aimee::
I found an LJ community for us!! [link] Hee!!
He's a year older than my little brother. I would have been about to start 3rd grade when he was born.
I found an LJ community for us!! [link] Hee!!
I... feel a little dirty.
Llamas would be much easier than wheels if terrain is hilly or roadless, I suppose. And they sure do grow themselves some nice fiber, too.
I should be vacuuming and dealing with the laundry so that I may read more HP 7, but no. Here I sit browsing my time away.
Re whiny teenagers: Yesterday at the bookstore this teen girl was whining so much that she was complaining about she couldn't step over to look at the sale shelf because of how much too far it was to go, etc., etc., etc..... and I ended up sympathizing with her auntie about managing to get through the day without beating that child half to death, because I couldn't stand five minutes of standing next to that continual whine. Entitled little thing, I guess. Eeew.
Oh, and I saw the "Stephen King Killed John Lennon" whacko driving his customed van on Saturday. He used to stand around in front of the TV station with his banners and stuff. I can't believe he's still around and still working that story.
I had to look that up. What a wackaloon!
Still has a prissy, self-righteous set to his expression, too. I would have thought he'd have aged a lot more since I saw him last. Huhn. Maybe crazy ages well?
Maybe crazy ages well?
Oh, def. Absolute conviction that you're right in spite of all evidence cuts down on the worrying quite a bit.
The bookcases are filled and all of the books are unpacked. There are a few still left on the floor that need to be squeezed into shelves, but I now have access to books that I haven't seen in at least two moves!