laugh his fool head off
I think Aimee's boss is probably a wee bit scared and this was nervous laughter.
The professor who sent me those footnotes has retracted his request. I swear I didn't say anything to scare him off, except, "send me a copy of the article for context." I suspect the "article" hardly exists, yet.
And I've been thinking about you too, and just how similar our current situations are.
Can someone please explain why we don't have sugar daddies again? WHY OH WHY?!
::smooches Aimee back::
Aims, at least that's more confirmation that you did the right thing on the job.
Sigh. Well, i am at home!
Came home yesterday afternoon and applied for two jobs, then went out drinking with friends.
Must at some point clean the house today, as Amyth is on her way up here. Also because a clean house is motivating. Now if only I could find the motivation to clean so that I'll be motivated to do other things. Hmmm....
Catching up.
Eeep, meara! Finding the right thing ~ma. lots of opportunities in SE Florida
{{miracleborns}} Transitions suck. What you are doing for your family is very difficult, but I am confident you will be rewarded in the end. No biting off that fabulous nose, Aims! Hang in there, both of you.
Good to read that all is ok in Oakland!
I changed the settings on my Flickr pictures to contacts only because someone I don't know added two of Brendon's to their favorites and in their favorite pictures were bunches of teen boys. Ewwwwww. It is amusing when my friends and family comment on my boys' looks, it is yet another thing when it comes from internet strangers with no profile info and creepy favorites. Ewwwww. Blocked! Most of you are in my contacts, if not just let me know. And again with the creeped out Ewwww.
Timelies y'all.
I forget most of what I read the last couple of days.
I do know hugs for meara, Suzi and Aimee.
Juliana hotttt!
Uhm, yeah, that last one probably wiped all else outta my brain.
I changed the settings on my Flickr pictures to contacts only because someone I don't know added two of Brendon's to their favorites and in their favorite pictures were bunches of teen boys. Ewwwwww. It is amusing when my friends and family comment on my boys' looks, it is yet another thing when it comes from internet strangers with no profile info and creepy favorites. Ewwwww. Blocked! Most of you are in my contacts, if not just let me know. And again with the creeped out Ewwww.
Laura, I had to do the same thing for some of the kids' photos. One of Olivia nekkid in the blow up pool had something like 433 views on it. The highest number of views I'd ever had was under 200 so I got entirely creeped out.
I have a picture of Sara in the dress Plei sent her that's gotten a really disproportionate number of hits, which is sort of creepy.
Laura, I have to email you so we can try to set up meetage. We'll be away next weekend, but after that I'm good (and this weekend is work and, weather permitting, the Renaissance Faire).
Ewwwww! That's super creepy Cash. Makes me relieved that Brendon's myspace page is locked down. He's asked if I wanted to be listed as a friend, but no. Kid needs some privacy. It freaks me out how many of his friends have their pages wide open.
Yay AmyLiz visits! Brendon flies back into Syracuse on the 28th, so anytime after that would be great.