You should really just wear that all the time.
Had I an extra $1200 (that was not earmarked for vroominess), I would totally get a bunch of everyday corsets made for myself (with better boning than the VS one I'm wearing in the pics). I like corsets - they don't allow me to slouch!
You wear that corset and you
get boned? That's just wrong.
t /twelve
She didn't say no boning, just not very good.
t /also twelve
Oh my, Juliana! Stunning.
I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, at all y'all's lack of maturity. SHOCKED.
t /Captain Renault
Apropos of nothing, Victorian slap fight!, a Japanese flash game.
Damn, Juliana!
Natural Instincts is decent for grey coverage, and fairly gentle. It is, as Cass says, a demi-perm.
Apropos of nothing, Victorian slap fight!, a Japanese flash game.
Dear God, that's fun.
Damn, that last bitch is impossible.
Aha, nailed her!
Oh, shit, there's someone AFTER her? A monster! Crap, I got bitchslapped.
Apropos of nothing, Victorian slap fight!, a Japanese flash game.
I feel like I shouldn't be as amused by that as I am.
So, instead of focusing on work, I'm idly trying to decide what I'm wearing to Pirate Night at the goth club tonight. I think it's going to be this skirt, worn with this jacket (worn mostly open), over a ruffly blouse and with a black tricorn decorated with lace, a pink & black heart with a skull and crossbones, and black feathers.
Unless, of course, I decide to swap the black bustle skirt for my black & pink striped full skirt, worn with shorter bustle skirt over it.
Compared to pondering gothy pirate outfits, thinking about TOC structures is boo-rring. Hence my lack of motivation.