I also have a picture of the stained glass window on my phone. Not that you can make it out clearly, but I know what it is and that's all that matters.
Work has given me a new shiny camera. I will have to take it home to "practice" and see if I can get you a good shot of it.
So, in all this interviewing I got a bit of a first-hand account of the Hatfield-McCoy Feud. Interesting stuff, that. I think I'd rather not have known, though, that my grandma lived in a house with bullet holes from the feud.
Miracleman -How is it this stupid town doesn't have a fucking greasy spoon diner that serves breakfast?!
MM are you in Orange County!? That was my first reaction when I moved to California. One of the reasons I moved to Long Beach. Not that they have the volume that NY has... but it's a start. Glad it all ended well.
(yes, I've poked my head back into B.org... and I will try to keep up. Miss you folks way too much)
Omnis, you know MM--he's Aimee's husband, father of Em. They live in Michigan now.
Also, hi! How are the kitties?
Well, it wasn't intended as any sort of Jaye Tyler Ironic thing if that's what you're worried about.
@@ Till now, that is.
But if you spot any nice thistles, pass them along, okay?
(My mom says that Eeyore and the Munchkin are the same "person". I told her that she was smart enough to write a paper in college...there probably is a thesis like that, somewhere.)
And Keith Olbermann needs to burn his gold tie...Pat robertson has one.
Gag me.
Maybe I should send him one with Eeyore on it. Or Moose and Squirrel...neo-con assholes would *never* wear that.
ETA: Yeah, Hecubus. Dude, we've met. Okay?
Ok, now I might just make a t-shirt from an idea I ganked from Mugglenet.
Has "D.A." on the front and then "Dumbledore's Army" on the back with the members listed below.
With Murietta Edgecomb's name crossed out.
My co-worker wants to make one that says, "Lupin does it doggie-style".
Could be either.
I've decided to make my shirt say "Don't call me Nymphadora!" instead.