Yay, Emmett!
-ma and hugs to all who need them.
I called my friend yesterday, the one who had the premature baby to tell her that Mom and I would be around tomorrow if she wanted company. She hasn't called me back yet. I'm wondering if I should call her again tomorrow or let her be.
Hooray for Emmett's touch-em-all skills!
We also went to Ace's and Amante's.
I still have my matchbox from Amante's.
Adventures in Mr. Mom-ing (to conflate two movies).
Emeline didn't want to stay at the Treehouse very long. I don't think she's feeling well, though she currently doesn't have a fever.
We walked home. Wait. I lied. I walked home; she was carried 95% of the way.
As a treat for my not-feeling-good little girl, I stopped and got her a fudgsicle.
By the time we arrived home, she was covered in melted fudgsicle and my left arm and shoulder were similarly coated.
She is now freshly bathed and clad, and I have a new shirt on. She is spacing out on the couch and I am going back to reading Sandman.
At least the story has a happy ending.
From my recollection, the lugging of toddlers when they will not walk is no. fun.
Oh, my. Life is REALLY hard for the three-year-old right now. He is WAILING. Somehow, still cute.
"Still cute" is the only reason he's likely to live long enough to annoy you as a teenager.
Yay, Emmett.
What? No exclamation point, Eeyore?
I kid.