DJ, I do love you, but I'll have to click on that link after the kids wake up. Don't want them up *quite* this early. Me likes the quiet :).
Sail, I sent you after-interview/consideration-from-them~ma. Hope it works!
Much car~ma for Daniel and WS.
Hey, everybody else!
Things are really going well here. I collapsed for a three-hour nap yesterday, but felt refreshed afterwards and had a great night with my cousin, her family, my aunt and uncle, and my grandparents. The interviewing is plugging along. We're to 1955, or there abouts. It's all very interesting, and I'm really enjoying working on this project. I feel like I'm almost all grown up, or something. FINALLY.
Continued ma for Suzi's mom.
Car ma for Daniel and Andi.
Congrats to David AND Emmett for fantastic accomplishments!
Beej, could you please relink me to your donation page? I now have some extra money I can send your way.
Shredded Wheat:
Dad update - tomorrow they are taking my dad to Monaco to have a PET scan, and then back to Nice to do the surgery biopsy (foregoing the sample biopsy they were planning to redo). There are apparently a whole team of specialists consulting on my dad's case, many more than my mom had been aware of. He's starting to lose feeling in his right arm, and has very little left in is left arm so time is of the essence. The doctors are expecting it to be malignant, but don't know what kind of think it really is so are refusing to speculate therefore not knowing what kind of outcome he has. Much like in my grandmother's case, the specialists are completely stumped by whatever my dad has.
DJ, that's a fun band. Thanks for linking.
oof, d, continued ~ma for your dad and for you.
Tonight I go to a beer dinner! In Salem! (an early birthday present for us both)
Indeed! Also, hooray for being able to stumble home after it and not have to deal with train schedule BS. It's all good!
How is it this stupid town doesn't have a fucking greasy spoon diner that serves breakfast?!
Let me amend that to: How is it this stupid town doesn't have a greasy spoon diner that serves breakfast within walking distance?
It's a small town. I can go and get a fucking Irish beer RIGHT NOW, by walking. But I can't get some goddamned eggs and hash browns?
I'm just frustrated. I hate this town and I have a whiny child at my elbow.
{{MM}} May all the people who didn't open a greasy spoon diner for you be doomed to find roaches in their food every time they dine out.
d, much find-the-problem-quickly~ma for your father.
ION, I am over mushrooms and eggs. Which is sad because I have a whole package of mushrooms and 16 eggs in the fridge. I guess that means I will have to make many cakes. Not with the mushrooms, though.
Thanks for the update, d. I was wondering how he was doing. I hope they can figure out what's going on and an effective treatment quickly.
Hooray beer! I want to go to a beer dinner and a cheese-making class.