Go Emmett! That's awesome!
It's very exciting. They're off celebrating with pizza now.
Next year when they have the parade to mark the beginning of the season, his team will be introduced individually as the District champs and all the little kids will go "Ooooooh!" and they put up the banner.
They won! 10-4. Emmett caught the final out in the outfield.
Damn, baby! He had a kickass game!
ION, I have SA! She got here about 2 hours ago, and after all-too-brief chatter, and a quick trip to The Boy's house to get my spare keys for SA, we are both zonking out for the night.
(Of course, I told her that we'll probably end up cross-posting with each other 2 hours from now, saying "Aren't you asleep YET?!?")
She is going to chill all day tomorrow, like a lady of (somewhat) leisure, while I go to work and toil away like the good worker bee that I am. (Stop laughing!)
And then we will eat all the sushi in the world.
Am very sad I missed SA in NC! Hugs from me, for both of you.
Congrats to Emmett, sounds like a fantastic game!
Poor SA!
Go Emmett
I thought DJ was Jessica Rabbit not Tigger
Heh. I've been practicing the song too, as it's semi in my range.
What's everybody up to tonight?
What's everybody up to tonight?
Working on the book, what else?
I wrote a lot today. About 1,500 words. It's not quite done but it's close enough that I can send the whole thing to my editor and say, "See how mostly done it is?" That's after I type for about two or three more hours, then print it out. Then edit stuff.
I want it to be done! Be more done, dammit!
What's everybody up to tonight?
Painting. Second picture of two, with a Tuesday the 24th deadline.
Congrats to Emmett.
Awww. Sending write ~ma your way. I have to warn you though, if it comes from me, it might turn into a snarky, bile-filled ranty thing.
Oh, hey. You can help me! On My Space (I know, I know. But I only have like 20 friends because I only friend people I actually know. And it's not really me, it's my ass) I have midweek music on Wednesday. I'm torn between videos this week. Curve-Chinese Burn, Bright Eyes-Four Winds, or The Muffs-Don't Pick On Me? I'm leaning toward the latter for L.
It's not quite done but it's close enough that I can send the whole thing to my editor and say, "See how mostly done it is?"
Yay, Hec!!!
What's everybody up to tonight?
Working on homework. Deadlines for big projects coming up. Taking 2 grad classes in a 6 week session would have been really stupid if I was employed. But, since I'm not, it's okay.
Got distracted from homework when I looked at my mini blinds. Dear dog. Those things are so nasty. I think I'll need to take them down and soak them in the tub. Seriously gross. Of course, I haven't cleaned them since I moved in...8 years ago....wonder why they're so gross?
Mine are all torn up from the animals (and we haven't cleaned them either since they replace the old ones 4 years ago).
I'm leaning toward the latter for L.
I'm down on with the Muffs. (so to speak)