I thought DJ was Jessica Rabbit, not Tigger!!
Suzi! You get to watch Stardust for free on Thursday! I will bring booze in a flask! YAY!
All your exclamation points (and outdated meme phrases) are belong to me!
The brush tangly thing has happened to me too, but much less now that I use a round brush.
Oh, man -- SA is on her way to visit me, having just been in North Carolina for a few days. She should have gotten here around 6:30, but she called at 3:00 to tell me a tire blew out, but she changed it and put the donut on, and was on her way again.
Then she called around 4:00 to tell me the donut blew out, and she was waiting for a tow truck to take her car to the tire place so that she could get a non-blow-y-out-y tire.
She's back on the way, and should probably be here within 60-90 minutes, barring any other tires deciding to blow out. (I shouldn't say that; it's tempting fate.)
The poor thing has been driving all damn day. (Of course, my lazy self views this as a reprieve and a little more time to de-filth the apartment. Black mold is being bleached as I type this.)
You get to watch Stardust for free on Thursday!
Yes. This. Nice carrot. Pretty carrot.
It looks like I might get my 40 in before Friday - I can haz day off?
Poor SA! Many hugs when she gets there.
Poor SA! Many hugs when she gets there.
And she just called again -- she's about 60 miles away now. Lordy, I might actually have all the dishes washed before she gets here!
ChiKat? OTMFL.
I just realised. ROTFL stands for "Rolling on the f***ing list".
Holy fuck! Emmett just hit a grand slam in the District Championship game!!
They're up 9-2 in the bottom of the fourth.