Can I email somebody this and y'all tell me what to do?
Please do. I'll be happy to stick my nose in.
finishing with Time to Switch to Whiskey. Ooops, spoke too soon, here comes another after a one song break...Hair in my Eyes...
Whoo!! The first one my iPod played me this morning was "Apocalyptic Modified Blues", which made me very happy.
Job Watch 2007:
Boss has promised to get us full benefits within 60 days. A full 30 days sooner than what other job would provide.
At that time, he and I will discuss a raise. So I am staying put.
The extra money would have been great, don't get me wrong, but I would rather be here and be happy and confident than making more money and being not happy and confident.
Plus, I really think that in the long run, I'll do better here. I mean hell, I've already started feeling like I'll change my major to business. Boss is a rising star. On his way to being a Trump. I flat out told him, "At Other Job, there's really nowhere for me to go unless one of the Big Managers leaves. You plan on being worth $100 million in the next 6 years. And when that happens, you'll be paying me very well for being so awesome." He laughed and said, "Yep."
But, he also knows that if he doesn't come through with the benefits and the cash in 60 days, I'll quit.
Thank you all SOOOO much for the support and advice. I know my decision is, for the most part, against what you all said, but know that I took everything you said - especially about doing what's best for my family - into consideration. {{{{Bitches}}}}
Yay, Aimee! I hope it all comes through for you in 60 days. I think it's a sound decision.
Now I just have to let other company know.
t insert irrational feelings of letting them down, too.
Wish there was a way I could do BOTH jobs.
But, he also knows that if he doesn't come through with the benefits and the cash in 60 days, I'll quit
Good, because I've seen too many bosses make great promises to keep people then forget all about it when the time came.
Wish there was a way I could do BOTH jobs.
You and Joe could. :) Would they consider him?
SO glad you were able to get benefits at current place. Seems he has already figured out your worth. Smart fella!!
Plus, I'm thinking MM will get something soon, and then the book will sell and then y'all will be sipping champers and laughing about that time when you moved back in with your parents, and wasn't it all charming what, what?
DJ, my one piece of advice is that your friend contact a women's shelter and explain what is going on. The shelter may have resources to help her deal with this and not have to leave her house.
She's actually getting freeish counseling through the family violence center where she is, and she's been to law enforcement up there too.
Problem is, it's Texas, they're still married so he can do whatever the hell he wants (Well, not really, but it's pretty clear they want to make it as hard as possible-Texas law I mean, not the violence center or the cops-for a woman to get out of her relationship).
Aimee, that sounds like a good decision.
Wish there was a way I could do BOTH jobs.
You and Joe could. :) Would they consider him?
Heeeey, that's a pretty clever idea!