How cool is Tully's!
I'm thisclose to my fundraising goal for the L&L Society for the Marathon (and go, YOU, GC) and am feeling better and better every day about raising money for them.
Oddly, two people close to me have had someone close to them diagnosed with a blood cancer within the last two weeks.
Howard Cooper and Bill Crispin.
Let's revamp your resume tonight before you apply for them.
Dare ya to come and loom at me. Dare ya.
Oh, this isn't a looming situation, far from it.
1) You'll be visiting soon.
2) I can torture you with one of my upcoming projects for late '08.
Does anyone know where you would go to find out if someone is cyberstalking you? L had what she terms an "event" last night and she asked me.
Sounds good, Aims.
In the meantime, there's another nearly dozen jobs applied to.
Le. Fucking. Sigh.
"Cyberstalking" is a pretty vague term, and can mean different things in different contexts.
You get my email earlier?
If I find out the nature of the "event" will that help?