I was perfectly happy without clafouti before I knew of its existence. Now that I've been to the wikipedia article I am drooling with want. Damn you bitches!
Clafoutis is super easy to make. So easy I apparently am able to recite the recipe from memory--a first! Of course, I have made two (cherry, with pits, and blueberry) in the last 24 hours:
2 tbls butter
2 cups fruit
4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup 1% milk
1 tsp dark rum
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup flour
pinch salt
Preheat oven to 350. Melt butter in the oven in an 8x8 Pyrex pan. Whisk eggs and sugar together until pale and thick. Whisk in cream, milk, rum, and vanilla (I thought the vanilla taste was a little strong in the one I made for the Buffistas so I reduced it to 3/4 tsp in the blueberry one I made last night). Whisk in flour and salt. Take the baking dish out of the oven and add the melted butter to the batter, leaving enough to coat the bottom of the pan. Place fruit evenly in the bottom of the pan; pour the batter over the fruit. Bake for 40-45 minutes, turning once. The clafoutis may puff up a lot (especially the corners), but it settles back down once it cools.
ETA: Damn you, line breaks!
Clafouti is Teh Yum, and megan rocks for bringing it.
{{{Aims}}} You can doooo eeeet!
Vortex! That sucks! I should fly out there right now and make you Stephtinis.
Vortex, would you like to go somewhere after work and ... console yourself? I would aid and abet, of course.
Go Aims! Didn't the other job offer you more $, too? Don't sell yourself short, lady. You're worth the $.
Vortex, would you like to go somewhere after work and ... console yourself? I would aid and abet, of course.
heh. I'm fine actually. Normally, I would jump at the chance for some Todd time, but I have to do laundry tonight at my friend's house.
Go Aims! Didn't the other job offer you more $, too? Don't sell yourself short, lady. You're worth the $.
I won't. Personally, I don't think he'll be able to afford the insurance. But the fact that he wants to try means so very much to me.
Totally. It's a great feeling when you give notice and they try to counter offer. They loves you!
But the fact that he wants to try means so very much to me.
yeah, that's significant.
In other news, my boss quit. This is, I think, good news.
And so ChiKat, you asked mom for a citation from the Bible that literally says that, right? Or maybe you reminded her of:
hugs Cindy and holds her tight
I'm headed off to lunch with a friend, who, btw, is also going to Hell because he is Teh Gay. At least I'll have lots of friends there when I get there.