The moment included her telling me I was going to Hell because I don't take the Bible literally.
See that's when I feel I'm allowed to point and say "Craxy!" at least in my head. I get feeling it's important to read and study as the main text of your religion. I get feeling that you need to follow whatever rules you think it lays out (though I disagree). But to take it literaly is to completely ignore scientific fact.
But to take it literaly is to completely ignore scientific fact.
Folks like my mom (whom I truly love but cannot discuss religion or politics with) have their own version of scientific fact that is not like most people's. So, when you bring up the generally accepted scientific facts, she brings up her own version to refute you and you will never win.
It's frustrating as all hell to me. And, my mother is incredibly disappointed in me and worried that I will spend eternity in Hell and it breaks her heart.
For me I don't think Hell is far enough away from some of the crackpots that think they will be in Heaven
Folks like my mom (whom I truly love but cannot discuss religion or politics with) have their own version of scientific fact that is not like most people's. So, when you bring up the generally accepted scientific facts, she brings up her own version to refute you and you will never win.
Hmm. Versions of scientific facts? I cannot wrap my brain around that. Not that I haven't seen it. I am from the deep south. It just makes me want to smash brains. Mine. Theirs. Doesn't matter. Whatever stops the pain.
I used to work with a girl back home who was like that. It didn't matter what evidence you produced to back up your claim. Whatever she believed was just right.
Or like my friend's soon to be ex-husband who once told me the only reason some animals exhibited homosexual behavior was because scientists were jacking them off until they were so horny, they had to do whatever was around and the scientists made sure it was an animal of the same sex. Absent an article expicitly stating that wasn't the case- he believed he'd won the argument.
I was perfectly happy without clafouti before I knew of its existence. Now that I've been to the wikipedia article I am drooling with want. Damn you bitches!
Did yours have pits? 'cause wikipedia says you're supposed to leave the pits in for to be authentic.
Charming behavior/discussions from the relations, vw?
No. Went to my cousin’s church. I didn’t actually disagree with most of the [90 minute] sermon (which was mostly on being nonjudgmental), but dude! Do you have to YELL so much?!
Oh! I know this moment. I had one with my mother when I went down to visit for Father's Day. The moment included her telling me I was going to Hell because I don't take the Bible literally. Fun times.
Oh, dear. Dear, dear, me.
So far, only Scola has been savvy enough to take pictures at a Buffista/Dylan F2F. I have no pictures from when SA was here, or Drew & Kristin. D'oh!
I had a dream last night that I got to hold Matilda. Only in my dream, she was the same size as Dylan, just with more hair. And looked nothing at all like Matilda does in real life.
Oh, Raq.
Oh! I know this moment. I had one with my mother when I went down to visit for Father's Day. The moment included her telling me I was going to Hell because I don't take the Bible literally. Fun times.
And so ChiKat, you asked mom for a citation from the Bible that literally says that, right? Or maybe you reminded her of:
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. [Rev. 22:18, 19]
"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar. [Proverbs 30:5,6]
I mean, because the Bible makes a lot of claims about itself, including:
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. [II Timothy 3:16,17].
But I can't remember any verse that says, "Take every word in here literally, or you're going to Hell." The whole salvation deal seems literally, explicitly and solely based on accepting the salvation Christ has already provided.
I'm just sayin'.
(Not to mention, how does one take parable, poetry, proverb, and prophecy literally?)
{{Raq}} & {{Cass!!}} and any other parents-of-sprog with mischief on their minds. I keep telling Iris that if she wears me out now, I won't be much fun when she turns 13... she does. not. care. (4:30 am wakeup call this morning, f.e.)
we haz house in Philly.
We move in 2 weeks.
I am jealous of all the fic going on. you all are amazing.