In the spirit of needing new lipstick to match my fantabulous hair, I went to Origins. And got a full makeover. Spent an outrageous sum of money (Acrossthehall!Teacher, who went with me, spent even more), bought fifty thousand things, and got a mini-massage.
So a fun day, but I think I'd better stay in tonight.
Edited: Why do I always start my posts with "So"?
Emily, we need pictures of your fabulously chic new self!
Emily, we need pictures of your fabulously chic new self!
I second that emotion. I love pictures of Emily's prettiness.
I watched "Music and Lyrics" today. Probably the first romantic comedy in a long while to make me actually laugh, as opposed to rolling my eyes at the bullshit fake "wackiness". You know what I mean, right? Where people act stupid just to complicate stuff for an hour and a half.
I'm not sure how much chemistry DB and HG had but, hey, it was PG-13 anyway and their banter was good.
Can I kill my mom? Seriously. She is driving me crazy this afternoon.
Gah...the house is as clean as it is gonna get. Folks will just have to deal.
It helps (with my mom) if you pour liquor in her.
You have to take out my sister too. This morning she wanted me to diagnose across 500 miles why her printer kept saying "cover open."
Now I understand why tech support people told me "I don't know, lady. It just does that, sometimes."
Could you try that one, Ginger?
On the upside, I see ND tonight and new Alter baby tomorrow. YAY!
That is a nice upside. Enjoy the city and the company.
{{Beth}} Breathing really is a good thing. Vibes for strength for the little girl and her family. That is really a tough one to go through.
In the spirit of needing new lipstick to match my fantabulous hair, I went to Origins. And got a full makeover. Spent an outrageous sum of money
Yay! The fantabulous hair pictures were quite lovely.
The boys and I tore down the living room ceiling. In less than 4 hours we moved furniture, rolled up the rug, removed all the furring strips, removed the panels trying not to get insulation bits and decades of dust and crap all over everything, preserved the decent boards for other projects and put aside the nasty ones for bonfires, removed the nails, swept and vacuumed up the mess, removed bunches of cobwebs, put the furniture and rug back, cleaned out the fireplace and put some pretty logs in it.
Then I took them out for dinner and ice cream because it was not so much a job I could do alone. Also, my son Brendon has decided that there is a downside to being real tall. Too many of the things on my list are above my height.
This morning she wanted me to diagnose across 500 miles why her printer kept saying "cover open."
Snerk. This reminds me that I need to give some thought to tales of support for MM. I know there are bunches I have buried in my memory banks.