t boomshakalalackaBOOM
t ::marches into thread::
I walked 8 miles this morning! And, except for some tenderness (not blisterlike) on the ball of both feet...which I attribute to sock issues...I feel great!
And, for my trouble, Podney, my nike+ pedometer gave me a shiny certificate that says I've walked 100 miles with my iPod. Woot!
This actually translates into more because I haven't used Podney for every walk...so even better!
The other one probably won't be as high, because I had a missing paper and part of my final project was eh.
Grade whore.
I mean - YAYAY!!!
I'm in week 4 of my last Managerial Finance class (4 accounting/finance classes in a row)...and right now I don't care what grade I get, as long as I pass - I am SO TIRED of this stuff.
Grade whore.
But, of course! I am still me, after all.
Great news, vw!
In other news, Himalayan cat hair shows up far too well on black pants.
Nora's fambly is HAWT!
Congrats, vw!
::does the "gonna see Suzi soon" dance!::
Nora's fambly is HAWT!
And drunk! Well, some more than others.