vw! I have mouse pad! I don't have a mouse, but we don't have to tell your dad that. I'm trying to show the cat her namesake, but she's not terribly interested. Maybe if I place it on top of an otherwise flat surface, she'll come lie on top of it.
It's lovely!
awww, good Kara.
While I see the point of having someone clean,As long as I am working part time it doesn't make a lot of sense. It is sort of calculated into what I need to make if I work full time again. (DH is way to used to me doing most of the cleaning for me to pretend that it wouldn't cause major battles if I went back to work full time)
Should I call it?
Won't help. Ringer is off, I think.
Oh, I can text it. Maybe it'll boing!
I think I spend way too much of my life waiting on a computer to do something. Right now I'm waiting on 70 GB of data to finish copying.
Dear me. I just finished rewatching The Prom. Kills me every. single. time.
I didn't hear the boing. There was supposed to be a boing.
I prefer an earth-shattering kaboom.
Edited because I swear I typed "ing"! But it was nowhere to be seen.