I pay a maid service to come in and clean. They're great with Toto, and it's one less thing I have to worry about. I probably shouldn't spend the money on something I *could* do, but it doesn't get done, and then I stress about it and get stuck in a nasty pattern. I honestly think one of the reasons I'm doing so well this summer is that the house cleaning is no longer on my plate. Silly thing, but hey, find what works and stick with it, right?
ION, I talked to Miss Kara on the phone earlier, and she said to me, "You're the best Auntie Val ever. No one could ever replace you." It broke me.
Insent, java. Be sure to wear a rain hat to protect from the sploodge.
(i'm lala_lisa on the lj)
I really miss having someone clean. I really miss having clean floors.
Oh dear loward. Somebody let me forward this email so's you can tell me if this douche is as much of a flaming ass dick as I think he is.
oooh! Me! sowilo AT gmail dot com
Thanks DJ.
I'm impatient. It's not shown up yet. Sure you wrote Cranford and not Crawford?? ;)
Will someone come pack my suitcase with my now clean clothes so I can go crawl into my bed? Me so sleepy.
email me, and I'll send it back.
"You're the best Auntie Val ever. No one could ever replace you."
Oof. So cute.
Damnit, I have lost my phone again. I think the couch ate it.