t flop
I've missed my Bitches.
tommyrot, I'm so sorry to hear about Senor Sock. It's clear that he was well-loved, and will be missed. {{{}}}
Happy late birthday Sean!
Yay for weddings!
Love and ~ma to anyone that got missed on my skimming.
So, this weekend I: got sunburned, saw Kevin Freakin Sorbo, people-watched in the lobby of a sci-fi con, developed a very strong crush on a Boy from Indianapolis, discovered that my AC unit was leaking water about ten minutes before I left the house for a two-day trip, smooshed and almost snapped off my driver's side mirror, visited friends, and came home at 10:30pm to more leaked water and also an overflowing toilet.
So, yeah, you gotta take the good with the bad, I guess.
Aimée is FAST.
Epic, sorry to hear about the medical woes.
What real event is
Evan Almighty
based on?
Congrats to Aimee's sister!
What real event is Evan Almighty based on?
I was just about to post the same question.
Does she get any votes?
Hee! She has already approved her dress and we are waffling over a couple of b-maid dresses.
Also? Holy cow! The rules for getting married in a Catholic church are just ... wow.
Also? Holy cow! The rules for getting married in a Catholic church are just ... wow.
Really? 'Cause ours was very handwavey and whatever-ish (though, caveat, blah blah crunchy granola Berkeley churchcakes). The only rule was that we had to go through the irritating premarital counseling weekend. What are they telling your sister?
How to make the flower girl love you forever: Pick out 3 or 4 dresses that you're happy with (eBay has a jillion poofy girly flower princess dresses for cheap) and let her make the final choice.
Flower girl = Em. She wears what I pick. Hee!!
It's mostly the requirements/guidelines for wedding party attire and music approval that kind of cracks me up. But this is the uber-Catholic, gorgeous Ann Arbor church. She might end up going with a campus church since they tend to be a lot more hand-wavey. The one on EMU's campus has a gay-lesbian assoc in their parish, which way cool on them!
What real event is Evan Almighty based on?
Actually, I phrased badly. It's the concept that there could be another (Capital "F") Flood. In the Biblical Flood story, God very clearly promised that there would never be another planet-destroying-level flood. Blah, blah rainbow-as-a-sign-cakes. I know, many people don't believe in the Bible (and note that friends who thought I was being an anal psycho at this trailer are friends from church). It just bugged me. There's so much in the Bible that's "interpretable," or doesn't make sense in the context of modern times, but this particular promise was pretty black-and-white. I guess I don't like the basic premise being "God lied", or "changed His mind", or "couldn't Foresee that Humanity would suck this bad" or whatever.
I know, overly anal occasional-bible-reading psycho.
I know nothing from requirements (left Catholic Church at 16), but if my cousin's wedding was anything to go by, wear comfortable shoes! (L's went over 2 hours!)
Flower girl = Em. She wears what I pick.
Does she get to wear a tiara?
God very clearly promised that there would never be another planet-destroying-level flood.
Even if they don't read the Bible, it's captured in an oft-quoted spiritual: "God gave Noah the rainbow sign. No more water but fire next time." Maybe the filmmakers didn't see much humor in God telling someone to build nuclear bombs.