Kristin, love the website!
I was gonna say. I don't teach and don't ever plan to, but those lessons are applicable to life in general. In fact, the "always have a buddy" part made me tear up a bit because I like to think that's the way my girlfriends and I treat each other. And I think lots of times in life things don't go as planned, but still turn out pretty nifty (and if not, we can at least learn not to do that again).
Happy Birthday, Epic!!!
{{{Laura}}} Much ~ma to Bob and to you and Brendon.
Such a pretty quilt, vw.
Anne, continued~ma to your stepfather.
My mother has such amazing friends. One of them who lives nearby came over today when mom was here to help us with the unpacking. She brought over snacks and a bottle of wine for TCG and I and we got a ton done. We went out to dinner with her and Mom tonight. We were going to treat her for all her help, but she stole the check before we could and treated us. There are still boxes everywhere, but we can move around the living room a bit now.
Tons of ~ma to Bob, Brendon and Laura.
Nora-that looks like a wonderful choice, sorry your brain is misbehaving today.
vwbug-I tried to comment in your LJ but it would not let me. That quilt is gorgeous, and with Snowmen! Thanks for sharing all your crafting talk, especially with your mom. My mom used to quilt and reading about the stuff you do with your mom just brings back nice, feel good memories. Thanks!
catch up:
lots of ma~~~sending.
and meara - be upfront - as in ask her out. I can't flirt with anyone am serious about.
yesterday was jet lag day for me from the trip.
sj, you picked a good mom.
Tons of ~ma for Bob, Laura and DH--that's just so awful and I hope Bob will be ok.
Aimee, I just found out someone here who is sort of connected to my sister owns a camel. A real camel. It's very strange.
Chikat, congrats on the job offer!
First, Happy Birthday to Epic!
edit to note that I am going to xpost in Natter.
Now, I collapse into thread. Thank you so very much for all the excellent quality ~ma. What a day. Things happen for a reason. It won't be quick, but Bob should recover. We won't know just how bad the damage is for a couple days.
Last night I stopped at the pool hall and saw Bob and Brendon doing their thing with the league. Bob was drinking, which was unusual as he is usually a diet coke guy. He said he had a toothache and was numbing the pain. He was a very jovial drunk. We discussed plans for him to go help DH with a project he had to do at a surgeon's office this morning. He did this every once in a while when we needed to scan records for a practice. Since he was clearly feeling no pain DH drove him home and they left his car at the bar.
This morning they arrived at the doctor's office and were doing their thing working with the staff. The doctor wasn't in the office. Bob was laughing and talking one second and just dropped the next. Out cold. No breathing, no pulse. The office administrator tore out of the office and ran into the medical office next door and grabbed the doctor out of an exam room much to his staff's shock. He came in and pounded his chest and got his pulse back. They had an oxygen machine there and he continued CPR until the EMT guys got there and took him next door to the hospital.
There is no doubt that he would be dead if he didn't happen to be in a doctor's office when he had this heart failure. We talked tonight to the head of radiology for the hospital (another customer) and he told us that Bob was in a coma when he arrived but that he came out of that and they have him sedated so he won't fight the vent and stuff. He says they will probably just focus on keeping him stable for a couple days before they try and do anything. He is still in the Code room in ER for now.
He is 56 years old. We left his wife, mother, brother and 2 sons at the hospital when we left at 10:30 tonight. I cracked up his mom by reminding her that only the good die young.
My poor dear friend. We have known each other for 18-19 years or so. He did the food for my wedding; his wife made my gown. I'll kick his ass if I see him ever smoke again. But first he has to be well enough to even make it out of the ER. And my poor DH. He is totally freaked.
(side note, Daisy, this is the Bob that was with us in Dallas)
Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and concern. I know it helped him.
(side note, Daisy, this is the Bob that was with us in Dallas)
I kinda thought it might be. You're in our thoughts. give B a hug for us. Jon was pretty fond of y'all.
There is no doubt that he would be dead if he didn't happen to be in a doctor's office when he had this heart failure.
First, give Bob a big hug and kiss for me.
Then, once he's feeling a bit better, ask him if he has any stock tips...
Ha! The magic of time zones, it is still Epic's birthday -- Happy birthday, Epic!
Laura, much bobma sent your way.
Well, I guess I will try to be more upfront (!?!?) with teh girl, but not for a bit--not only is she in Canada this weekend sans internet (and I in LA), she works at Girl Scout camp (she's in charge!) during the week, and only gets one day off a week. And she lives in Baltimore. Um. Scheduling is a nightmare.