I'd double check with them about whether or not they can make you an offer by (was it Tuesday?).
Just got off the phone with them. Interview with principal is tomorrow morning at 9. But, he's not in the office today and they can't tell me when they can make a decision. Blarg.
I've been making pro and con lists for all 4 of the schools. After seeing the lists, I may be switching around my ranking.
I am totally psyched for ChiKat's job opportunities.
However, I still need a picture of her most recent haircut.
I'll work on it. Kathy A and aurelia have seen it, but it was fresh and a tad too short at that point. I like it better a couple of weeks later.
Jilli, it looks great! How long was it before?
Ummm, almost waist-length, but kinda scraggly at the ends. My hairdresser friend was gleeful about getting to cut it.
So, you got, like, a foot of hair cut? That's got to be a shock the first time you wash it!
Brushing should also be fun - you pull the brush through and suddenly! no more hair!
Oh, Laura, tons of ~ma to Bob and you and Brendon. What a horrible thing for him to witness -- so much worse for Bob, but awful for the friend who was right there when it happened.
Nora-My niece just turned 13 and her loot included lots of gift cards for clothes and iTunes, but her favorite was her first piece of "grown up" jewelry. It was a simple gold chain with a gold heart pendant with a pearl at the bottom of the heart.
I think I'm going to go the jewelry route. Being complete CRAP at buying the stuff, anyone have any good sites that will ship overseas? Or we could buy it, get it, send it off again if necessary. At this point we're gonna be late on this, though, and I'd like to minimize the lateness as much as possible.
The only problem with gift cards is the whole different currency thing plus also, ours is crap compared to theirs.
Also, I am so fucking tired I want to cry. WTF? Anyway, because my brane hurts, any jewelry rec's would be appreciated.
Bobma sent immediately to Florida.
Of course, I've been told that I take a pulse as an invitation to flirt.
NoiseDesign is Captain Jack Harkness?
Laura, I hope you'll understand that all my ~ma is going straight to Bob, but I've got a good dose of comfort to spare for you and Brendon. How scary!