Overheard conversation (the daughter here is apparently about 22):
Daughter: Oh, look, Mom, they’ve got vibrators in there!
Mom: Oh, great.
Daughter: Do they have the rabbit that was on Sex and the City? I want that one, with the rabbit on it. Oh, they do! They have it! Mom, buy it for me!
Mom: What?!?
Daughter: Buy me the Rabbit!
Mom: You know, I really don’t think it’s appropriate for me to buy your vibrators for you. Get your boyfriend to do it.
Daughter: He bought me my last one. I want this one now.
Mom: For pete’s sake, how many do you need?
Daughter: Just one, if it’s the Rabbit. Buy it for me.
Mom: You need therapy.
Daughter: I don’t need therapy because I want a vibrator!
Mom: No, you need therapy to find out why you have this need to involve other people in your masturbation activities. See, when you start involving other people, it isn’t masturbation anymore. Buy your own damn rabbit.