~ma for juliana's grandpa.
YAYS for ChiKat! ChiKat, I had three job offers for the last three jobs I've had. It's very stressful, but kind of feels nice. Gives you some confidence on top of choices.
In mememe news, I'm exhausted and could use some Bitch snuggling.
Heh. You're so very right, Vortex....K was dating W long-distance at the time it all began...and then there was crazy crazy M...
and then there was crazy crazy M..
who I STILL don't speak to. You know that I am pissed at somebody when I won't let them set me up with a cute guy.
And he was cute! But I always wondered, a lot, at him being friends with her, and what that meant for his mental health...
WOOT, ChiKat! These schools know a good teacher when they see her!
I want to be Jilli's pseudo-sib!
Actually, I think you all are my family, so I guess I have plenty of sibs already.
Additional health~ma for Anne's father.
Oh, and Fred Pete, so much love to you and Hubs. I'm snuggling my kitties right now.
I've been snuggling Max and Marie. Marie, who usually doesn't like to be held, even let me hold and snuggle her for a bit.
I just broke the news to Hubs (who's out of town on business this week) a few minutes ago.