All of this coffee talk saddens me, as I haven't had coffee since getting sick. So sad. I did have a nice soy chai at work on Monday, and it's amazing how nice a Scottish Breakfast cuppa with a little milk is when you've been completely off caffeine for a while.
lib! Are you better? I'm taking allergy meds and feeling mostly recovered except for the cough (which is not helped by smoking, I know). I lived on tea for about three days there at the height of it.
Good thing for you Jilli has such awesome taste.
I do, don't I?
Have I told you guys the checklist my pseudo-sibling used when he decided he needed to work on setting Pete and I up? I must have.
Hi, Miss McFlirtypants, how are you today?
Heh. Around here, he could be addressing so many of us!!
Edit; Do tell, Jilli! Sounds way more fun than the powerpoint I used to try to make my roommates break up...
Want to see the checklist! bounce smooches Pete from afar, gropes Aimee
So, erm, it seems I've just been offered another job. I'm not quite sure what to do with all this.
eta: headspinning a bit and now I must leave for class. How am I supposed to concentrate on class tonight?
Choices - not a bad thing by any means.
Congrats on the job(s), by the way!
sumi, both jobs are in Aurora, so it looks like I'll be moving out closer to you.
Dude, ChiKat! That's excellent news.
I love that checklist, Jilli. It's ... that A word that I am not allowed to use.