Happy happies, Epic!!! And, if you MUST do homework tomorrow, plan another day that is your observed birthday day and celebrate then, too.
I had to do that last year because of a Summer Class. Stoopid edumacation! (I'm trying to make this first week work - I'm supposed to go to Happy Hour after work tonight, but have to keep it short because I also have to go to a dance rehearsal - then I'll go home and get in as much reading as I can. Try not to study on Thursday, then stay late at work -since I know the computer here meets software requirements - Friday to try to get a ton done because we're celebrating on Saturday night. . . It's just possible I'm stretched a little thin). And thanks for pre-emptive happies!
You totally can handle it because you're smart and you've got the determination even when it seems you don't.
Thank you. I need the occasional pep talks to push me through (a well-timed one got me over the last hurdle in Business Law last summer to an "A", when I was just about exhausted enough to settle for a "B". Maybe I could keep vw on tap for this purpose?)
Hi, my Bitches!! Am back from the wilds of Tennessee and have missed seeing your fonts.
We're pleased as punch to have you back!
But, also, am jittery because I just got off the phone with a school who offered me an Actual Job. Teaching. Woot!!! I actually have another interview tomorrow morning, so I begged off giving an answer until tomorrow. But, am v. excited. And jittery.
Woot! How good is this one and how good is tomorrow's, so we know how to properly direct the vibes?
I want LOTS of baked goods containing chocolate. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Chocolate chip cookies. Brownies.
Any particular reason? Or just because these are Always. Good. Things.
there was always at least one kid who was wide awake and ready for trouble during naptime ... they usually got an extra cookie
Now THAT'S a tough call. Cookie? Nap? Cookie? Nap? Is it a chocolate chip cookie?