Whoah, i wanna be cheerful focused and not-edgy!!
Instead, I shall just bring summer to Portland, apparently (hey, every time I"VE been here, it's been freakin' gorgeous...um, the other six hours or so I've been here....)
Happy Plei! Also Happy Bday to two friends and three exgfs of mine. Um.
Aw, poor meara! Maybe having today as a birthday should be added to your list of red flags? Possibly not even the awesome mojo of Plei can overcome so many ex's.
I totally envy you your current Portlandity. Will you be enjoying some Cassitude while you're there?
Thanks, ita. I did have my hair this short once before, back when I was five or six, and well-meaning grownups at school thought I was a little boy. It's taken a while to work past the trauma of it (now it wouldn't bother me at all, but I was one of those irritating oversensitive 5-year-olds who cried at the drop of a hat). I'm not used to the hair yet. At all. And it's entirely naked of product today and not looking as nice as it could. Clearly I need to budget my morning time better.
Happy Plei Day!
Thought that said "Happy Pie Day", and honestly, my first thought was "I can has pie?"
Too many lolcats.
And it's entirely naked of product today and not looking as nice as it could. Clearly I need to budget my morning time better.
With it that short, you only need about a minute with some good wax. What product do you have?
With it that short, you only need about a minute with some good wax. What product do you have?
Ohhh, now that my hair is also uber short, I need product help. Hands on perferably, but I'll take any help.
I had literally no minutes at all this morning, is the problem. Matilda was up wailing at dead o'clock, and Hec let me sleep until 8 to make up for it. Starting at 8:00, I can nurse her, coffee and food myself, shower, dress, get her buckled into her carseat and drop her off at daycare, come back, find a parking space, and get to work before 9:30 if I hustle. Add hair and makeup, even 90 seconds for each, and there's just no way.
And when I got to work I could possibly have done something, but the few minutes I had free in the morning were, I felt, better spent hitting all the conference rooms looking for extra coffee from the morning meetings than on hair and makeup. Then work itself started in earnest, and now it's after 2:00, so why bother?
Tomorrow, assuming Matilda doesn't start screaming at ass-thirty tonight, I'll be up before 8 and can do something about product. Today, NSM.
I need product help. Hands on perferably, but I'll take any help.
I can definitely help on Saturday - I have some very stiff wax that I never use. For general product recs, I love Giovanni's line. All organic, not tested on animals, and very effective. I find it at Whole Foods, but I'm sure other shops carry them.
I am contemplating getting a cut much like JZ's. Not sure I"m up for it, though....mostly becuase i know eventually I'd want to grow it back out, and i know that takes FOREVER and looks AWFUL.
Maybe having today as a birthday should be added to your list of red flags? Possibly not even the awesome mojo of Plei can overcome so many ex's.
Nah, I think it just means I really LOOOOOVE geminis. I also have an ex and a friend (two separate people) on June 16. Etc. Etc. They're good people.
I DO get some Cassitude, but not til Friday...and then I fly to LA Friday night!
There's a restaurant near my office and before it got so stinkin' hot, I used to take walks and often went by it. It has a BIG FLAMING BOX out front ... and it always made me think of Cass, Jilli, juliana, and assorted other Buffista pyromaniacs ... and smile, thinking of how happy it would make them.