Thus far, 33 has been EVIL.
33 has involved insomnia due to low-grade cold (mine) and a kidlet who simply could not BEAR to be doing anything but nursing (take a wild, wild guess).
I'd be asleep, but I don't seem to be able to get back to sleep.
Ah, well.
So my plan for the day is write, take bath, nap.
In that order.
Happy Birthday, Plei!
I say this very quietly so you (and maybe the Squeak) can nap.
JZ, those pics are hot! Oh, and the haircut is vera, vera nice, too.
The Squeak's cheerfully off to school.
JZ's cut is awesome. Very sassy. Also, very Sassy.
There is a cat on my feet. Hmm.
I love that you call her Squeak. That was what my grandfather called me.
Happy Birthday, Plei. I hope this year is full of awesome fic, plenty of rest, and lots of glittery makeup.
JZ is beautiful and that's a great haircut.
Ginger, I'm going to be cryptic here, but I have to say you win.
Happy Plei Day!
OMG, I got almost 5 hours of sleep last night and I feel so energized! DH had to go back to work, so I'm alone right now, fortunately DZ doesn't seem too fussy this afternoon -- we have discovered the magical powers of Leaving The Classical Station On. My sister's coming over later to help out.
Woo! 5 hours is awesome, Jess!
You guys. YOU GUYS!!!! This is going to be an X-Post w/LJ, but YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [link]
You're awesome.
Happy Birthday dear Plei! (remember some of us may be slow to add to that site something worthy!)
DZ is clearly a most excellent baby. Yay for long stretches of sleep!
JZ is awesomely HOTT.
~ma for Maria's DH.
running away again or I won't have a business...