One would think that having one's MIL stop talking altogether would lessen this problem, but I have to say it does not. In other words, sj, I hear ya. It's hard to see someone you love be dumped on in a way that is hard to stop.
Thanks, Nora. I'm lucky in that I have both the crazy making not!MIL and the good not!MIL (the step-not!MIL) and we see the good one more often, so at least there is a good side. Still, crazy making.
I know some people don't like interleague play, but damn. Reds vs. A's - that's a replay of the '72 and '88 World Series.
Matilda's in a good mood for the first time in a week. We don't know if it was the teething or something else, but she wasn't anything but fuss last week.
Was someone talking how unnecessary tetanus shots are? I wish I'd read today when I went in already hating the idea of giving blood, when my dr. asked me when the last time i'd had a tetanus booster was.
Since my reply could have been, "You have to ask my mommy for that information" (I'm 34) he decided I needed a booster.
Did I mention how much I HATE needles?! Really, really hate. But I did it, it wasn't too bad -- I can do it and be all brave an non-movey but I seriously, serioously hate them. Like, can't look at a needle without my stomach lurching.
Ok, I just had to get that out. I was very good. I think I feel most grown-up when I have to get scary (to me) medical procedures done by myself. I hate it, and it makes me feel lonely. But adult.
I guess the "adult" and the "lonely" kinda go together, huh?
I guess the "adult" and the "lonely" kinda go together, huh?
::checks for wife and children::
Not always.
But there's definitely the sense that
the safety net for yourself now.
I may have had the Worlds Worst Busdriver today. He seemed to get bored at stoplights and would amuse himself by playing with the "kneeling" function. bus goes ::beep:: ::beep:: down ::beep:: bus goes ::beep:: up ::beep:: ::beep::
OK, that made me laugh.
Me too.
I'm making orange-glazed beets. They smell pretty good. However, my kitchen, hands, and several streaks on my face are now purple.
Ack! Beets boiled over! Purple everywhere!
Um. How do you get beet juice out of ceramic tile? It's coming off the other stuff OK.
OK, that made me laugh.
It made me laugh reading it. It may have made me homicidal living it.
Mmm, beets. I serve a *lot* of fresh roasted beets when mom comes to visit because she'll offer to peel them. (I am busted if she's lurking. But if she's lurking, my tricksey methods of beet peeling are probably the least of the things she's appalled by that I've said.) Other times I cave and get Trader Joe's that are already peeled and roasted. I still end up purpled, but slightly less purpled.
I got a tetanus shot just before I got married. Which isn't the punchline. Just it was when I moved into a house built in (and never much updated since) 1928. And that combined with my ... special sense of (lack of?) self preservation? I was there at least a week before I managed to jam something metal and mysterious in my finger.
Ack! Beets boiled over! Purple everywhere!
And Hil makes my point for me. Sorry about the boiling purple! Um, Scrubbing Bubbles? Magic Eraser Spongey Bar?