askye, sorry I missed saying happy birthday, but.... Happy Birthday!
Also a happy belated to Cass! Go get your not!CK!
Excellent tattoo, Cash. *is jealous*
vw, I kinda like the quilt, though I agree it's not something I'd pick for myself. The black background makes the colors really pop.
Is there a service where I can get someone to come in and take care of me? Because I'm doing a piss-poor job, frankly, and it's about time it become the job of someone who is more competent.
What are they called, life coaches or something? I need one too.
Monday from hell. Too many fires to put out. Blah. Want more weekend.
Guess what Emmett got me for Father's Day? He hit his first home run.
And in just your size, too! Way to go, Emmett!!!
Of course, he slept for 4 straight hours this afternoon, but did I sleep then? No. For I am a very stupid mom who did not plan ahead.
If I read the Tech thread correctly, you were too busy playing with your new toys....
Yay, Emmett! Tell him that now he has to give you a home run for every Father's Day.
This just showed up on my Freecycle list:
Ahoy ye scurvies, I be havin' an old plastic pirate ship from the likes of those scalawags Fisher Price. If ye want the booty, ye should contact me and tell me when you could get it. If ye don't show, ye'll be forced to walk the plank!!!! Arrgh!!! The ship ran aground in the city of Decatur, not too far from the East Lake MARTA port. Shiver me timbers!!!!
I've just reserved a moving truck and trailer to move my stuff and my car to Indiana. Across mountains. And Kansas. By myself.
When are you going, Debet? I'm willing to bet that there are some volunteers who would love to keep you company on the drive.
Happy Belated Cass!
I also missed Father's Day yesterday. Too much stuff going on.
Gronklies. Lots of stuff over here, too, so hugs and ~ma to them what needs 'em.
That's the best Freecycle posting I've ever seen, Ginger.
I managed to get BOTH kidlets down for a nap by 1:30!! Which is convenient because I need to mop the floors. Badly. I came home from my girls' weekend to a real mess. Bless DH, because the kids were clean and well fed, but the house was a bloomin' wreck.
I've picked up the toy/puzzle/book wreckage and swept up the dirt, dog hair and crumbs and now have to move on to mopping up the juice and milk spills. Ugh.
I've grossed everyone out and killed the thread.