Cindy, nope--it's part of my comprehensive, which has a $500 deductible....and it looks like it'll cost about $220, so no point in that.
Do have plans to get it done first thing in the morning, but we'll see if that's true. The problem of course being the whole "I ahve to go to work and then to the airport and then i'm gone for 10 days" part.
Someone keep me from jumping through the phone and killing my
Matricides are(usually) relationship killers.
Of course, hindsight is always 20-20, right?
Welcome home Jessica. It's going to be tough to top the awsome gift you have to E this year for Father's Day. Yay for the added pictures. No sound on the video for me though.
{{meara}} Stupid window breaking people. I never lock my doors because I don't keep anything in the car worth more than my window. I've had the glovebox dumped a couple times, but not big bucks damage. Crazy inconvenient. And no nookie! Sorry sweety.
Sorry for the ER drama, Cindy. When Bobby sunk the construction drywall screw into the bottom of his foot I thought for sure that his doctor would give him a tetanus shot, but nope. He numbed his foot to remove the screw and gave him some painkillers. (he never needed them) Didn't even give him antibiotics. Doc said that tetanus shots are overused. I don't know, it's what you got when I was a kid.
I gotta go with erika's advice on the matricide, sj. But just in case, I'm here for your alibi.
Thanks, Laura. She called tonight, not to ask about the move or to see how we're doing, but to continue to yell about stuff that happened a quarter of a century ago. which she does every few months or so. Everytime I have any contact with her I'm amazed that she managed to have the incredible and well adjusted son that I love. I try not to complain about her here, because it feels like I'm betraying TCG in some way, but tonight was too much
Only a quarter of a century ago? My mom goes back to stuff that happened as far back as the '30s.
I ampro kid in the thread- we have Spent this weekend seeing our oldest nephew graduate and playing with our youngest nephew ( who is three)
happy birthdays and MA~~~
Cindy and sj, how frustrating!
Ok. I need help from the hivemind, and I need you to be brutally honest with me.
Pretend you're a friend of mine who's kind of borderline gothy. You haven't seen me much in the last five years, but you invited me to your wedding last September. I come back for it and leave you a card saying I'm making you a quilt.
Almost a year later, you see me in person and I give you this: [link] You hate me or love me?
Here's a close-up of some of the fabrics: [link]
It's just. so. bright. I love it, but I'm not sure it's them. And I've put a lot of work into it, but I hate to give them something that they'd hate when I still have time that I could possibly make a different quilt, then give this to someone else.
The quilt is lovely. My neighbor made Scott and me a crazy quilt, with colors that really weren't us, but we adored it, and adored all the love that went into it. In my opinion, it's an heirloom sort of gift, anyhow. I mean it's wonderful to use, but it's also wonderful just to have.
Give her the quilt and let it go.
You could always embroider a few bats on it.