Just got back from picking up my check at school, where I found that the books I ordered came it! Damn, we got a literacy grant and I have about $4000 to spend on books and it's FUCKING AWESEOME!!!!!! I got some freaking great books for my little biblioteca; I'm really jazzed. I took some new ones to read over the weekend. I mean, I have to read them so I can reccomend them, right?!
Jesus, I can't belive Emmett is going to be a 6th grader. I wish you lived closer, Hec. He could do the summer school program at my school which is fun reading and learning in the mornings, and stuff like dance, soccer, swimming, martial arts, mini-golf, etc. in the afternoons.
Remember how I read till 6 a.m. and then got phone calls all friggin' morning long? Well, one of them interrupted a great dream. I was in Paris and a cute German gold-medalist Olympic swimmer was flirting with me. And the phone ringing totally lost me the dream, dammit. I'm pissed.
Free trip to Paris, dude.
Did I tell you about the time the alarm woke my up just as my dream-self was about to have sex with Henry Rollins? Life is not of the fair.
Erin, I wish
was living closer to you. But mostly for the drinking and kibbitzing and hanging out.
More Cool Cuts for Jilli (and others)
Similar to the cut you liked with shorter bangs, less layering
Very sexy, pretty & femme
Super cool cut and style Right length too. Good cut for lisah.
Long rocker shag
And, some not-for-Jilli hair pics, because these are cool bobs and I haven't seen these shots before.
Very stylish bob
Gorgeous Louise Brooks update
Excellent angled bob from the side.
Not a bob, but A very cool cut
Spepaling of motorcycles, we got a call form the Harley place today, It appears out "93 Sportste, which was going in for a tume up and new tires FELL OFF THE LIFT.
Speaking of motorcycles, we got a call from the Harley place today, It appears our '93 Sportster, which was going in for a tune up and new tires, FELL OFF THE LIFT. It is pretty much totalled--but they are going to replace everything for free, so we end up with a newer bike for nothing.
This one is exactly what I wanted, but unfortunately that's just not my hair.
Aye, caramba, Robin. That's no damn good for motorcycles.
Super cute!
Also, distinctive and not boring.
Oh, GC, the juvie thing would just break me. I'm glad you get some vacation. I hope you have a great time at San Simeon. As you pass by Morro Bay on your way, you could wave at my family!
{{{Jilli}}} I understand why you feel how you feel. I've been there, and am perhaps a little there still. I am 100% confident, though, that you are NOT a moron. You are smart, educated, creative, and hard-working. Occasionally, you miss things, just like everyone misses things occasionally. But you catch more things than you miss. I'm not sure what issues with your work are causing this situation. It might just be a poor fit (not necessarily throughout the company, but your current workgroup or position). Regardless of what the problem is, it's not that you're stupid and it's not all your fault. {{{Jilli}}}
In other news, I went to get a new meds prescription, and the doctor told me I should get a boyfriend (not, I hasten to say, in an icky weird way, just... well, it was a little weird). So there you go, I have a boyfriend prescription. Where do I pick those up, again?
My first thought, Emily, is that the doctor should provide free samples. My second thought was ewwww, though, so maybe not.
Personally, I'm happy right now: Although still coughing when awake, I slept through the night without getting up for cough medicine. Yeah!!! I almost went to work today, but was persuaded not to push it. I'm kind of bummed about having been out so much. I pretty much wasted a vacation (not that it was scheduled, but I used up a vacation's worth of time) on being sick. At least I had the leave.
And finally, I'm with Debet and Ailleann and others that I missed: single, without child, and appreciative parenting talk. I love kids and I think I'm pretty good with them, but I never wanted one on my own and I totally suck at the finding a partner thing. Kids need more than just parents, and I've done pretty well, I think, at the aunt thing (better with surrogate kids than actual nieces, probably, due to location). I'm happy with my decisions for the most part, but biology throws regrets at me occasionally. So, I find suggestions here helpful, and I'm pretty good at skimming when the discussion makes my ovaries ache.
This one is exactly what I wanted, but unfortunately that's just not my hair.
That is beautiful Emily, but yeah, it wouldn't work with your curls at all. You could rock a 1940s-ish wavy bob, though.